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Triathlon Glossary

Because sometimes talking about Triathlon feels like you're learning a whole new language.....


This encompasses anything that helps you become more aerodynamic (often on the bike to help with speed). Things like aerobars help you have a more aerodynamic body position, aero helmets or water bottles help you have more aerodynamic equipment.

Borderline Wetsuit Legal

Draft Legal Triathlon

Electronic Shifting

Interval Training

Lapped Out

Mechanical Shifting

Olympic Distance Triathlon

Point to Point (swim, bike, or run)

Sprint Triathlon




Time Trial

Transition/Transition Zone


TT Bike

Wetsuit Legal


Warm Up

There are a lot of terms in triathlon and I'm always learning new things along the way. I'll do my best to keep adding to this list but please feel free to contact me if you know any terms that should be added.

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